Scratch Off Odds
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West Virginia

Best Game
Don't just play scratch-offs, play to win! WILD 6 is your key to maximizing your chances. This $10 lottery ticket boasts the coveted $60,000 as the top prize. Check out the ROI (Return on Investment) of -0.199 and expected value of -$1.99 for this game.
Top Prize
Play to Win Big! Don't be fooled by the price! The $30 ticket for BONUS VIP-BLOWOUT-CLUB-SPIN packs a punch! It boasts the highest top prize on our entire top ten list the $300,000, a life-changing opportunity. This game targets a -0.247, translating to an expected value of -$7.42.
Game #
Top Prize
1174BOOYAH BUCKS – WHAT THE ELF$1-0.476$3,000-$0.48
1155DOUBLE ACE ROLL$2-0.464$5,000-$0.93
1172SUDDEN VICTORY$1-0.457$1,000-$0.46
1171NIGHTMARE – GNOME SEVENS$2-0.437$7,000-$0.87
1154LUCKY- 3 IN A ROW$1-0.408$5,000-$0.41
1162BIG 7s 1162$5-0.402$35,000-$2.01
State Activity
Gamers, Assemble! Ready to level up your lottery game? Our top ten ranked scratch-off picks (as of Thursday, December 5, 2024) are like boss battles waiting to be conquered! The past week has seen a victory royale of sorts, with claimed by savvy players. Don't get left behind with tickets already sold for a total of , there are still top prizes waiting to be claimed. See the ranked list below and strategize your next scratch-off move!